WWW.BIKERSCLUB.IN NEVER GIVE UP !! "Talent wins races, but teamwork wins championships" MID RACE SEASON 2017 I broke my collar bone during practice and the first thing that came to my mind was my race that was coming up in 10 days where I was leading the championship in both circuit racing and rally. Within a couple of hours of the accident I had a surgery where they put one plate and 7 screws. This was the first time I had broken a bone and had no clue that how I would recover. But my coach at the time Jeeva and Anil from Apex racing academy and my family were by my side through all this and about two days after the surgery we started rehab and about a week later we were racing and we won the championship that year. This incident taught me to NEVER GIVE UP and showed me how team work could achieve anything. - BY AISHWARYA PISSAY