When you think you can make difference in this world then 'Yes you can and You will'. Its just you have to believe in yourself. For us the world and all the people we know are there because we are living. So everything starts with you. You wake up and you see your family, your friends, colleagues and everything which you see are in existence because you are alive. And when you die, nothing matters. How to think differently to set up your purpose ? There is no term like think differently, thinking is thinking but implementing on what you think makes you different person because 90 % of the people only thinks but never implements. So set up the small goals and implement your efforts to achieve them. Small small purposes leads to big purpose ! One cannot take a leap of leopard without taking few steps back, that means you must set up your mind to achieve small small purposes first to lead for the big big purposes in life. The experiences of small purposes will give you the strength to dream big and will help you to achieve them. So its essential to look for the small goals in life.   Only thinking don't work, act on it. There are people who only thinks but never try to work on it because they think reality is different from dream and they give up on their dreams. But I say the world we are living in and whatever we are experiencing in terms of any thing for eg. machines, computers, electricity, mobile, internet etc. were the dream in some point of time when these weren't in existence. And these dreams were achieved by someone because he/she acted on it. "It seems impossible before it's done." Don't wait for someone to help you or act on behalf of you. We are interdependent on each other and yes that's true indeed, but like this quote which says "Charity begins at home", as same way "Changes has to begin with you first." So don't wait for someone to tell you or guide you for your purpose, start working on it and with the time others will join you in your purpose because we all are interdependent on each other. If you know and believe in your dream or purpose then you don't require others opinions because its you dream and you are going to fulfil it not others