"Faith deals with the possibilities of the future when you're depending upon yourself to create that future. It's when you're convinced you're still going to win even though your circumstances appear to say otherwise. Faith is the belief that YOU will triumph in all things when all things are against you!" "In my own life, it's faith that keeps me pushing past the constant roadblocks that stand in my way. I'm sure you know how frustrating that can be. You keep asking yourself, "Why can't this be easier?," but despite the resistance, you just keep pushing on. That's the evidence of faith. That's when you have certainity." There's a difference between faith & hope Hope is not certainty. Hope is a desire that something will happen, but faith is when you're certain it will happen because you're the one that's going to make it happen. Faith, therefore, is a true dependency upon yourself while hope is a dependency upon something outside of you. Faith is a certainty that you have the power to shape your own future when life is set against you. Faith is different from hope, because I'm not talking about you "hoping" things will turn out for the better. That's not faith. Hope is a good thing to have, but faith is much different. Hope is more like a wish, but faith is an assurance. Hope will still leave you questioning, but faith dispels all doubt. The mountains in our minds are bigger than the mountains we climb As I said, with hope, you're dependent upon something outside of you whether it's circumstances or people. The problem with that is that you can't control people and circumstances like you can yourself. That's why faith is more certain than hope, because faith is based upon something you have the power to control you ! "But what do I mean by depending upon you? Isn't that part of the problem? If you could depend upon you then all of this would be easy, right? In other words, your problem is that YOU ARE depending upon you and YOU are just not that dependable!"