ISSUE 11 | NOVEMBER 2019 on the sacrifices which we soldiers do for our country. There are many things which I can not share to any civilians but yes I am and will be always proud for my decision which I took in 1972 to join Indian Army and will remain thankful always to family for supporting me. If get a chance I would again join Indian Army because "Once a Soldier Always a Soldier" and because the feeling of dying for the country, is something which very few are destined for. I am retired as Lt Col but still a soldier at heart. When I remember those days, I feel nostalgia. not only about the war fare and discipline but because of the Army I met my love of life, my wife Poonam who was also in to army. You know what sometimes I feel 'DIL SE'  that, had I not joined Indian Army then what my life would have been, I just can't imagine the answer... can only say I was a born soldier always geared up for the sports and adventures since childhood, because of my army background, and the grooming which I got since my early ages have still kept my soldier alive inside me and I think it will remain forever not only in this life but may be next and next too. I always used to get goose-bumps when I used to see a soldier marching and a motorcycle riding. And this was the only two things which later became my work and passion. Being a sport lover I used to play football, but during my army days I had paid price for that as well. Due to my knee injuries during football and the worst injury was when I fell skiing downhill during patrolling in High Altitude Warfare School. But I refused to go to hospital and recovered by treatment by the establishment doctor. But in 1985 I had a severe attack of arthritis during a route march. I was asked to be downgraded medically but somehow convinced the doctor not to, because I wanted to accompany my battalion to field area. But As we say destiny wanted something else, so after few years again I got second arthritis attack in the jungles of Mizoram, and I had to be assisted out of the jungle, evacuated to Military Hospital Silchar, Base Hospital, Guwahati and then further to Command Hospital in Kolkata. BIKERS CLUB | MAGAZINE | PAGE 54 was finally downgraded medically. Active service was ruled out. Never could walk normally to this day. I was diagnosed with Osteoarthritis. WHAT IS OSTEOARTHRITIS? Osteoarthritis is a common form of arthritis that often affects the knee. In the first stage, symptoms are mild, but by the fourth, a person may need surgery. Osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee affects the bones, the cartilage, and the synovium in the knee joint. Cartilage is a slippery tissue that provides a smooth surface for joint motion and acts as a cushion between the bones. Synovium is soft, and it lines the joints. It produces fluid, called synovial fluid, for lubrication, and it supplies nutrients and oxygen to the cartilage. As these function break down, they no longer protect the bones of the knee joint, and bone damage occurs. OA of the knee can cause pain and stiffness. The symptoms worsen over time. ----- X -----