ISSUE 11 | NOVEMBER 2019 BIKERS CLUB | MAGAZINE | PAGE 36 that while people do often behave altruistically for selfish reasons, true altruism is possible. Others have instead suggested that empathy for others is often guided by a desire to help yourself. Whatever the reasons behind it, our world would be a much sadder place without altruism. Not because you think you're less deserving, but simply because you're innately thoughtful and prefer to prioritize the wellbeing of others. Characteristics of the Generosity Trait: Altruism For example, you get supper excited when you find out that your favorite fast food restaurant now has an app that allows you to place your order ahead of time and skip the line. But then you realize how annoying that is for the people who waited their turn in line - Their own orders will get held up because the employees will have to prioritize your order. You decide against using the app and wait in line with everyone else, simply because you don't want to inconvenience anyone. You put others first. You give your snack to your coworker even though you're hungry too. You give up your spot in the movie theatre for the group that needs an extra seat. You use your lunch break to help your friend with her work. Whatever the case is, you put others first - You think about how your actions will affect others. You feel good after helping someone. Altruistic individuals don't despise how generous they are or wish that they catered more to themselves - instead, they embrace their selflessness and they love how it makes them feel. These people like to do good for others. You're proactive. You don't wait for the perfect opportunities to be selfless and help, you create them. You volunteer in your community, you donate money to current relief efforts, and you offer your help before someone asks for it. You possess and display a healthy degree of self- confidence. You are so sure in your morals