What is Convoy Control Club?
CONVOY CONTROL CLUB is the only club in
the world who's known for the members of
different kinds of physical disabilities, and it is
riding club and members are the bike riders.
They not just ride bike but they ride for the
cause, and they spread the awareness related
to physical disabilities in the society.
Convoy Control Club is first started in Jaipur
by Mr. Upen Shastri, and after that the second
chapter which opened is Mumbai Chapter and
the founder of Mumbai chapter is Mr. Vinod
Rawat. Currently there are Nine chapters
across the country, which includes, Jaipur,
Mumbai, Akola, Jalgaon, Surat, Ahmedabad,
Kolkata, Orissa, Hyderabad, and soon it will be
opened overseas as well.
How it started ?
I Mr. Vinod Rawat, founder of Convoy Control
Club Mumbai with one artificial limb is mad
about riding and I always seek for riding
motorcycles be it short distance or long
distance. Because of my disability I used to
ride always solo but nobody can make out that
I am disable whenever I ride, coz it's always
been covered with the pants I wear. It's not I
am ashamed of my disability but I don't want
sympathy and that's the only reason I keep it
It was in December 2010, I was in Mumbai and was
preparing a short trip near to Mumbai and I met a
members one of the riding club of Mumbai, and
when they came to know that I am rider and I am
planning for a short one day trip then admin of that
group told me to join their ride, as they were also
going that destination only.
Till now I have always heard about the riders and
their groups but never rode with them and this time
some of the club approached me so immediately
agreed on it.
It was sunday morning we started riding and within
3 hours we reached the destination, it was a fun
ride and I learnt lot of things regarding group riding.
But when they came to know about my disability,
they insulted me and told me to leave that group
and said you can't ride as we can, and that sentence
hurt me, I left that ride in between and came back to
Mumbai but that time I had decided to create my
own group but I wasn't knowing how ?
In about within 2 months I happened to visit Jaipur
on my bike, there I met a guy named Upen Shashtri,
when he saw my bike which is Maharashtra
registered and he enquired about who's bike that
was, I said It's mine and I rode it from Mumbai, till
that time he didn't know that I am disabled. Riding
motorcycle in long distance is very normal for abled
riders but it's kind of anomaly for disables.