BC: What kind of chit-chat, or code you share when
you meet another bikerni (female rider)?
RK: They feel proud, in fact we all female riders feel
proud on each other when we meet or come across in
any riding. And the one common question is "How
you manage your professional life with riding and
racing lifestyle.
BC: "Bikers Brotherhood or Sisterhood" do you
believe in the most used and famous words in bikers
RK: Sometimes...
BC: According to you, what's the difference between
commuters and a rider, as they both ride
RK: Riders ride with Safety, whereas commuters don't
BC: Do you have any goals in biking ? If yes then
RK: Want to finish "Raid de Himalaya", "Dakshin
Dare", "Dakar" soon.
BC: Do you think Riding Motorcycle has an advantage
over the cagers (car commuters)?
RK: Riders are more adventurous than a car
commuters and feel lot of thrills and endurance, car
commuters have limitations.
Riding is Fun
BC: Riding or Off road riding, what do you enjoy the
RK: Off road riding, especially dirt and mud.
BC: What advice do you wish you knew, when you
first started out?
RK: I wish I knew about safety and riding gears.
BC: Have you ever come across to any girl or
woman who wants to learn geared bikes and join
bikers community.
RK: Many girls contacted me on Facebook,
Instagram and other platforms about learning
motorcycles. It feels proud when you become the
inspiration for other girls.
BC: What do you think, a girl or a woman should
follow her passion to ride and should be a rider?
RK: It's their choices.
BC: Do you think female rider faces more
challenges in riding than a male riders?
RK: No I don't think so.. I have only washroom
issues.. nothing else.
BC: We have observed, Families of riders always fears
for their sons or daughters when they go for LDR,
what you have to say about it?
RK: I feel lot of responsibility about keeping myself
safe and riding safe because there are people waiting
for you back home, who cares for you.
BC: Regarding those who don't practice ATGATT (ALL
THE GEARS ALL THE TIME), how do you feel about
them ? Do you encourage it ? What do you think
about safety measures ?
RK: I prefer full safety, so I always tell riders to use all
riding gears. If I see any riders without gears, I guide
them the importance of safety and gears. I AM
ATGATTT rider.
BC: Do you ride to any bike events? Which is your
favourite event? Why?
RK: I have ride almost all major riding events and I like
them all. I can't say which one is my favourite, but all
event brings different experience.