I just made sure they were at a sufficient distance from my bed. I wasn't completely ready (yet) to share my bed with 2 pythons. We halted there for another day - a beautiful sunny day in a peaceful farm. And then another riding day and of course, rain and a storm. We headed towards Nagaland and encountered roads that were under construction. Because of the rain, all the way to Manipur, we got muck and slush over ourselves and our bikes. we kept getting warned that the roads were not safe and that we should not halt anywhere enroute. The sight of army trucks on the road kept that as a constant reminder to us. However, my experience was totally different. I found the people very peaceful and friendly. At Moreh we had a day to sort out our stuff, documents, wash our clothes, clean the bikes and get ready to cross the border into Myanmar. I again sensed that something was wrong with partner as he looked really tense. I just asked him if that is how he usually is, so I could get used to it for 1.5 years. He just said, "Give me a day or two". We respect each other's space. That is the first rule of being partners. I got back to my music, blogs and happy thoughts. 16th April 2017, 1:30 pm Elora Hotel Moreh - India. ed We encountered no trouble at all. Other than that it was Cold Cold Cold!!! I didn't realize that I would start to freeze in india itself. My bike showed 9-10°C during the day but with the wind and heavy rain, my fingers froze and that's how it was to be until we reached the border at Moreh.