I always felt that there should be one
umbrella for riders from minuscule places
of Central India. My acceptance in 'Riders
community' gave me the confidence to
think about opening a 'FB page' for Riders
of such places in Maharashtra. But I
ducked on the idea of making it in to a
club as I wanted to unite people and the
idea of opening the club meant opening
different chapters.
After much pressure from
everyone I love, I decided to
unfold a series of events which
resulted in what we call today
So when I am baring my heart,
the first thing I want to write is
"Thanks to every rider in and
out of UNIDO because, without
you all, I am nothing, without
you all UNIDO is nothing".
- Your beloved Sachin Dada
I between of this dilemma I was talking to
Vandan and I suddenly realized why not
make 'a club with no postal address', 'a
club where riders are one family from
many different families' and that's how
UNIDO was born. It fitted perfect as
UNIDO in 'Spanish' means 'United'
It was the day of '12 April 2015' when
UNIDO was officially formed.
It also reminds me that if I have to bare
my heart completely, I do have to tell
you about a little secret of mine which I
never wanted to disclose, as I often feel
that it might give a wrong influence to
new riders. so here is the caution -
'please do not try it on road'.
The very first ride under UNIDO was
done by me in 'IRON BUTT' in which I
covered a distance of '1684 Kms' a round
trip of 'Adilabad to Bangalore' in 23
hours 43 minutes.
Another memorable trip under UNIDO
flagship was of 'Spiti and Ladakh' with
Vandan, Rohit, Kustab and Piyush which
stretched for most amazing 29 days of
my life.
Another feather on UNIDO was attached
when 99% of our bikers completed a
As Vandan and Prithvi Raj (first co-riders of round trip to Ladakh. Alongside this
UNIDO0 are of the same age, the
UNIDO promoted causes like 'Beti
leadership felled on my shoulder.
Bacho' and 'HIV' and also participated in
many events like and ERM, BOB MC,
From that day on UNIDO has become
GRM, etc. UNIDO crossed borders and
unstoppable, we have covered 265,000
reached to Bhutan. Zee tv also covered
Kms approx. which is approx. 2/3 distance our event.
to the moon from earth, this reminds me
of one of my favorite trips. It was a trip of
When I was asked for input on this
27 days with my wife, usually, people go
article from co-riders, I simply had them
on 'honeymoon' but we went on 'riding
answer two questions "What is UNIDO
moon' on my first love 'Yamaha RX 135'.
for you"? and "What it gave you"?