There is evidence that wolves
have some knowledge of proper
prey management, expert found
one pack in Minnesota that
varied its killing by hunting in a
different part of its territory each
year, allowing prey numbers
elsewhere to recover, aiding the
long-term survival of the pack.
Wolves are very patient of
themselves and of one another.
They are very focused on their
objective whatever it may be at
the time. They respect each
others role and depend that
each wolf in the pack will live up
to their responsibility. This in
itself promotes group unity.
Wolves are very careful that they
do not enter into redundant
duplicate efforts. Each wolf can
be heard by the pack; a form of
individual respect.
Wolf Don't Quit -
Never Give Up
Winston Churchill;s famous
words -"Never, never, give up"
come to mind when thinking
about how persistent wolves are
in accomplishing their
objectives. Wolves seem to
understand that if you fail to
succeed on the first attempt you
must keep trying. It is understood
within the pack that you never
quit and it isn't over until the
"Lead Wolf" says it is over. That
doesn't mean that the wolves are
successful 100% of the time but it
does mean they never quit trying.
That's a good philosophy, If they're
headed somewhere and you try to
stop them, they'll look for another
way. They'll climb over. They'll
climb under. They'll climb around.
They keep looking for another way
to succeed. The wolf always looks
ahead, stays positive and does
everything possible to succeed.
Insatiable Curiosity
One of the most common
characteristics of the most
successful leaders today is the
extreme sense of curiosity.
Wolves share this insatiable
curiosity about the world around
them. They investigate
everything, taking nothing for
granted. They seek out
opportunity. They have
established specific priorities.
Wolves understand the concept of
teamwork extremely well. They
must work together during the
hunt to be successful. Each wolf
has a role to play and all
members respect their positions
and follow their leadership in
almost all things, the alpha
wolves are usually the ones to
make decisions for the pack when
the group should go out to hunt
or move from one place to
The other Pack Members all have
positions in their hierarchy
inferior to those of the Alpha
male and female. the young adult
wolves, who are the grown-up
offspring of the Alpha pair, have
their own special roles under the
leadership of the Alpha male.
Some people have noticed that
ravens circle in the air around sick
deer or moose. The wolves notice
the circling ravens and realize
that prey is close by. This is a
remarkable relationship because
both animals benefit-the wolves
find food and the ravens eat the