Is riding motorcycles
passion or fashion ?
Is riding motorcycle really a passion ? NO,
according to me riding is not just passion, it's about
meeting your soul, about talking to yourself, with
every twist and turn on the road, with cool breeze
hitting your face, you feel freedom, you forget your
stress, like a bird in the sky especially when your
are riding solo, it's kind of a meditation, but when
you are riding in the group, it brings more discipline
and brotherhood, you know your destination but
knowing your destination with knowing your soul
makes difference and thats what i mean biking.
Passion - always comes from within and if you say
you are passionate for something that means you
really know yourself, knowing yourself means
knowing your dreams, knowing your dreams means
knowing your destination and it takes lots of GUTS
and EFFORTS to follow your dreams to achieve it.
So if you think you are passionate rider than ask
yourself "are you really following your dreams" ? I
know many of you won't agree with my logic but for
me riding motorcycle is like following my dreams.
Fashion - is never constant unless you yourself have created it. There are many riders who think they
are riders but according to me they lack passion and discipline, they are just wannabes, it's just they
bought a new bike and now they want to impress the world surrounded them.
If you are a passionate rider then fashion follows you. A rider never follows a fashion but fashion
follows him / her.
There's a saying "once a rider, always a rider" but I correct this quote and say " once a passionate
rider, always sets a new trend and remains a rider".