a Goal Without a Timeline Is Just a Dream Goals are just goals, and dreams remain dreams unless you have proper plans and strategies to execute it. And plans never get fulfilled unless you put a timeline on it because any project without a deadline is just a dream, and never gets manifested the way it was envisioned. And this is why many of our goals remain goals on paper and in our minds. MY POINT OF VIEW BY RAHUL MEHTA FOUNDER | CEO | EDITOR OF BIKERS CLUB & MAGAZINE There are 7 billion people on this planate with the 7 billion dreams, but how many dreams get fulfilled? The answer is very few, and that's the reason why only 3% of people control and rules over 97% of people? This 3 % of people know exactly how to set up a goal with a timeline and rest 97% of people sets goals without any plans and deadlines, and which is why their dreams go unfulfilled. Thoughts are like clouds, which travels over every one of us at the speed of light to get manifested, but only those can able to manifest it who can read and grab the thoughts and make them their own goals with the timeline and team to achieve it. And these are the people who are successful and make most of it from their one life span. Rest others kept remain idle with the thoughts when those clouds went over them. It's crucial to act on your thoughts when you receive them as an idea. HOW THIS ENTIRE MECHANISM WORK? We humans are not at all inventors or creators, in-fact the universe and nature have its own way of manifesting things which are necessary for the progress and the motion of its own existence, but it requires cause and reason for it to make it moving and progress towards its goals and destination. As we all know that everything has speed and the purpose of its existence in this cosmic universe, and all these are interdependent for their progress. Its a chain of survival, bigger things controls smaller things, likewise, for the universe to make its progress; creates the electro-magnetic waves in the form of thoughts and sends it over to get manifested, and it gives equal opportunity to all the people who grab it; universe doesn't care who manifests it, it's only concerned with the end result for it to keep moving, and this applies for all the planets species. Rahul mehta Our brain also acts as a receptor and sender of electro-magnetic waves, which again takes a form of thought clouds to get manifested, that means if we don't complete any of our goal within the timeline, then it is very much possible that others will finish it before us. For example: If we are working on something or some project passionately, but without having any fixed timeline; and there may be others also who may be working on the same kind projects or goals with a different team and place because they also had instilled the cloud, and if that project has a role to play for the significant progress of the universe, then the universe will inspire and help other people to manifest that project faster than you because they are nearer to complete that project or goal at the decided timeline of the universe. And the universe and nature never work without timelines, and believe me, the work of your project will also get transformed as an electro- magnetic wave and help that other person to achieve his goal faster than you. That means you yourself will help that other person or your competitor to manifest that project more quickly than you because the universe wants it to make it happen on its own decided timeline, and you can not change or alter the nature's timeline. There are many examples like this you can find out in the past, but here we are not discussing that. But in short, it's essential to have a goal with the timeline, and those who understand this are the successful people and the highest achievers in their life. It's not about your destiny or your hard work, but it's about your ability to get it manifested in a specific timeline. You don't need to make it happen by yourself, but it's essential to finish it off in a time course, and to do that, you can have a team or support of others. You don't have to apply your brains alone on it, but you can hire minds to make it happen. SO WHAT IS THE METHODOLOGY? There are a few steps you should follow for any of your goals. IDEATION / THOUGHTS: When you get an idea or thoughts, then ask yourself, WHY YOU WANT TO DO THIS, AND WHAT'S THE BENEFIT? Benefits can be in kinds or money; it can be for yourself or society. It's up to you to decide. GOAL: Once you decide to manifest that idea, then make it your goal and write it on your book, mobile, or a paper so that it can keep reminding you to fulfil it. It can be best if you can write it on your subconscious mind, but that's not our topic. PLAN & TEAM: Draft a plan to work on it and create a team that can work on your plan. It would be best if you chose an efficient, passionate, and smart team, and always should remain open for good brainstorming sessions for the betterment of your projects or goals. TIMELINE: Finally, it's imperative to give yourself and your team a deadline so that you all can work and push your limits and ability to achieve it. This point of view of mine is inspired from Mr. Pankaj Dubey (MD. POLARIS / INDIAN MOTORCYCLE)