Mr. Pankaj Dubey
BC: As you are a self-made
person, how was your
professional journey so far? I
know wishes are endless, but
if I ask you, how successful
you consider yourself at this
stage as an MD of POLARIS?
PD: Yes, I consider myself a
self-made person. Post my
management degree I started
my journey in the corporate
world from the position of
Sales Officer in 'Escorts' and
through sheer hard work and
commitment coupled with
positivity and a will to learn, I
have been able to make it to
the position of MD of Polaris
in a span of 16 years.
My professional journey has
been an excellent learning
experience. However, I would
like to admit here that all
through my learning, I made
sure to give something
EXTRA to whatever I did.
I feel that as MD of POLARIS,
I have been very successful.
From the stage of registration
and incorporation of Polaris
India to creating a market for
a product and industry, which
was at a nascent stage in
India to finally have our
products working as a lifeline
for many security forces
including army, paramilitary -
It has been a successful
journey indeed. I further feel
that I have been able to give
to the youth of India the
wonderful exposure of
adventure sports through our
meticulously planned Polaris
Experience Zone, thereby
increasing tourism
opportunities in the country.
That said, I feel that we still have
a long way to go and taste more
However, I do believe that I have
to give back to society and my
country, the success mantra's I
have learned from my life
experiences. So I devote many
of my weekends doing the same
and sharing with the youth of
the country.
BC: How do you see the future
of the luxury motorcycle
segment industry in India? As
Indian Motorcycles come in the
luxury vehicle segment (1000cc
and above), whereas the
demand for 110cc to 500cc
bikes is enormous in the
PD: The market for Luxury
motorcycles is on the rise, and
we see that India has a huge
potential for these kinds of
Luxury bikes because the
culture of riding is growing.
More and more young
enthusiasts are emerging in
these luxury bike riding
community. Whereas the
demand for under 500cc bikes is
high because not everyone has
a budget to buy these luxury
bikes, and somehow they have
settled on the available and
affordable motorcycle. But the
desire to own the big luxury
bikes is with all true bike lovers.