ISSUE 12 | DECEMBER 2019 BIKERS CLUB ® | MAGAZINE | PAGE 35 Climate It is included in the sub-humid tropics and situated on a plateau region with its maximum elevation 0f 32 mtr (105 ft) above sea level located in the Matrimandir area. The annual rainfall average is 1,200 mm (47 in) mainly from the SW monsoon (June to Sept) and NE monsoon (Nov to Dec) with a dry period of approx 6 months. publications are not necessarily those of the community at large. The Auroville radio website provides a lot of recordings and daily news covering local events. Auroville has a small "Outreach Media" team to regulate visits of journalists and film / video makers. Their aim is to ensure that all journalists and filmmakers get official, up-to- date The average maximum temperature is 32.2° (90.0°F), average minimum 20°C (68°F). information and representative footage from reliable sources. Communications and media The Auroville website provides open as well as restricted forums for various projects, interests, organizations and outreach which make up the life of the community. The opinions expressed in these Films about Auroville At present, any filming within and about Auroville requires permission from the Government of India. Many filmmakers visit Auroville, and a wide range of films are available. These include: City of the Dawn. Auroville, the outline of a world. Auroville - A Dream of the Divine (part 1 and 2). Spiritual journey... Auroville - by Russian filmmakers. The India Trip - by National Film Board of Canada. Interesting Auroville topics can also be heard on Auroville Radio, and the films about Auroville screened at the biennial Auroville Film Festival 50th anniversary By occasion of the 50th anniversary of Auroville on 28th February 2018 the Indian President Ram Nath Kovind sent a message to the community in which he called Sri Aurobindo "one of modern India's greatest sages". He also wrote that Auroville "represents humanity's aspiration for