ISSUE 12 | DECEMBER 2019 BIKERS CLUB ® | MAGAZINE | PAGE 30 "Do not pretend - be. Do not promise - act. Do not dream - realize." - Mirra Alfassa. together people of goodwill and aspiration for a better world." Alfassa also believed that such a universal township will contribute decisively to the Indian renaissance. Auroville Site Auroville site is approximately 20 square kilometers of barren wasteland, some 10 km north of Pudducherry and 5 km from the coast was chosen for the city. Inaugration The inauguration ceremony attended by delegates of 124 nations was held on wednesday 28 February 1968. Handwritten in French by Mirra Alfassa (the Mother), it's four-point charter set forth her vision of integral living. Auroville belongs to nobody in particular. Auroville belongs to humanity as a whole. But to live in Auroville, one must be the willing servitor of the Divine Consciousness. Auroville will be the place of an unending education, of constant "When mind is still, then truth gets her chance to be heard in the purity of the silence." - Sri Aurobindo. progress, and a youth that never ages. Auroville wants to be the bridge between the past and the future. Taking advantage of all discoveries from without and from within, Auroville will boldly spring towards future realisation. Auroville will be a site of material and spiritual researches for a living embodiment of an actual Human Unity.