Old Age Homes
Rides to old age homes makes
us realize the importance of
having elderly in our homes. It
Wanderers free lifts
Being adventurous and travel crazy since we were little,
we understand the importance of transportation in the
day to day life.
serves as an opportunity to
meet and talk with elders who
doesn't have a family anymore.
We assure them that we are
their family and buy lunch and
other requirements for them by
coordinating with the officials.
When the Telangana government declared house hold
survey back in 2014 which needed citizens to be present
at home for the survey, wanderers who were done with
the survey and the ones who weren't needed to be home
during the survey invested their time to provide "Free
Lifts" to the commuters at the bus stands and railway
stations when the local transport was completely shut
and the travellers were left stranded. This type of social
help was never done by anyone till date.
We ride to orphanages with a
sole motive of being their family
and making them realize that These are our core values that makes us different.
they are not alone. We take this Everyone rides but when your rides have a mission, a
as an opportunity to take them message and when you decide to make a difference in
on a short bike ride around the society, that's when you feel the happiness and take
their premises. It is surprising to pride in being a responsible citizen & most importantly, a
see how creative and intelligent responsible rider.
these kids are when they
present cultural activities.
Bringing them books, stationary,
chocolates and lunch is all you
need to make them the
happiest kids on the planet.
- by Wanderers Bulleteers