The Contest
The contest entails having a commitment from the students in truly
learning and improving their games. In the form of a contest it will make the
process fun and help keep everyone motivated and on track with what his
or her goals are. This game can be very rewarding. It is my goal to assist
you in all of your golfing endeavors.
Those of you who do not have an established handicap will have until
March 15th to get one established. Those of you who already have an
established handicap will use that as the beginning point. The object of the
contest is to reduce your handicap the most over the course of the year
through practice, instruction and play. There will be three divisions based
on how many students are signed up and where their handicaps fall. Of the
students that do sign up there will be a low handicap division, mid
handicap division, and a high handicap division. This will ensure that the
comparisons are fair and that each will have a chance to improve and win.
There will be one winner in each division.
The Process
Beginning in January we will be getting right to work. This includes an
assessment of each student’s game in every area from putting through to the
driver, short game and long game and what areas need improvement. It will
include the use of video analysis, playing lessons, and cover all facets of the
game from pre-shot routines, course management, and adaptation from the
practice areas to the course. Also, we will cover the intangible areas such as the
mental approach to better golf.
BHL Student - (Biggest Handicap Loser) Student
TSGA – Terry Shaffer Golf Academy
Practice Areas and Facilities
We will be using all areas of the practice facilities, range, chipping green, putting
green, bunker, all areas of the course to create all of the possibilities a golfer may
face in the course of play out on the golf course.