BIG LIFE Magazine BIG LIFE Magazine Edition nº18 - June 19 | Page 51

BUGATTI ES EL FABRICANTE DE LOS MODELOS MÁS CAROS Y EXCLUSIVOS DE AUTOMÓ- VILES Y CON LA VOITURE NOIRE REAFIRMA LA EXCLU- SIVIDAD Y EL LUJO COMO DISTINTIVOS DE LA MARCA. Bugatti manufactures the most expensive, ex- clusive and luxurios automobiles in the world and La Voiture Noire is living proof. the key during the design and manufacturing of this super sport car. Its design was so complex it required more than inspiration and creativity; every part used in this exclusive automobile is a work of art. But why the astronomical price tag? The answer is just as complex: exclusivity, customization options, aesthetics, manufacturing quality and luxury finishes all combined together, although the existence of only one Voiture Noire in the world is the main rea- son for its enormous added value. No more cars like this will ever be made. One owner, one driver. Doesn´t get any more exclusive than this. The powerful quad-turbo W16 8.0-liter engine with 1,500 horsepower engine that powers this supercar is housed in a handcrafted carbon fiber body with a pronounced 49