Big Ideas | Page 88

SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING PRACTICES SAMPLE STUDENT ENGAGEMENT, GRADES 9–12 Engaging in Argument Evaluate the benefits and costs of your household’s participating in a renewable energy program such as the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission’s CleanPowerSF. Identify questions you have about the program, conduct research to find the answers, and then write a recommendation based on your findings. from Evidence CROSSCUTTING CONCEPTS SAMPLE STUDENT ENGAGEMENT, GRADES 9–12 Patterns Model what happens to energy resources over time, using a mixture of black and white beads in a bag to represent nonrenewable and renewable energy sources, respectively. Randomly draw a specified number of beads to represent one year’s energy use, count the number of each color that you used, and return the white beads to the bag. Repeat, graphing the results over 20 “years.” Try different starting ratios of black and white beads or an increasing rate of energy each year and observe how it affects the outcome. Scale, Proportion, Conduct a life cycle assessment of a product you use, such as a cell phone or skateboard. Include in your assessment the resources, energy, and labor that go into making, distributing, using, and disposing of the product. Discuss whether this type of information should be made available for all products that we buy or use. and Quantity 88 BIG IDEAS | Grades 9–12 | SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION