Big Ideas | Page 48

History – Social Science Content Standards for California Public Schools HISTORICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES ANALYSIS SKILLS SAMPLE STUDENT ENGAGEMENT, GRADES 3–5 Historical Interpretation Choose two sources of energy that are available in your region, such as hydroelectric and solar, and create a chart that identifies the costs and benefits of each for the average homeowner or business. K-5.4. Conduct cost-benefit analyses of historical and current events. Chronological and Spatial Thinking Using the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission’s map of the “San Francisco Water System” (available for viewing at, note where water is stored in the city and hypothesize why water is stored in those particular locations. K-5.2. Identify the human and physical characteristics of the places they are studying and explain how those features form the unique character of those places. 48 BIG IDEAS | Grades 3–5 | SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION