Big Ideas | Page 23

Key Concepts • People can make choices that reduce their impacts on the land, water, air, and other living things. (From NGSS ESS3.C) • We can save water by using it wisely, such as turning off the faucet when we are brushing our teeth or washing dishes, and taking short showers instead of baths. • Sewer systems have to clean dirty water from buildings as well as streets, so it is important to be careful about what we put down toilets and drains, and keep trash off our streets. • Individual people can use less energy throughout the day by turning off lights and devices when not using them. Standards Connections Next Generation Science Standards SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING PRACTICES SAMPLE STUDENT ENGAGEMENT, GRADES K–2 Constructing Explanations Discuss ways to use less water in the classroom. Try putting a dishpan or bucket at the bottom of the classroom sink to catch any water that would go down the drain. Estimate how long it will take to fill the pan. Once it’s full, use the water for indoor or outdoor plants, and then replace the pan in the sink. How many pans of water did the class use in a day? How could you use less water? and Designing Solutions BIG IDEAS | G r a d e s K– 2 | SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 23