Big Ideas | Page 100

Photo Credits Cover: Katherine Du Tiel; Inside Cover: Katherine Du Tiel; Page 4: Abigail Keenan, Unsplash 1437914983566; Pages 6-7: Joseph Barrientos, Unsplash 1431103057357; Pages 8-9: Riccardo Lennart Niels Mayer, ThinkStock 474251868; Page 10: Elizabeth Lies, Unsplash 1433185000771; Page 14: Carmen Magana; Page 18: Miranda Bague; Page 22: Carmen Magana; Pages 28-29: Monkeybusinessimages, iStock 456858759; Pages 30, 34, 40: Katherine Du Tiel; Page 44: Carmen Magana; Pages 50-51: Ismail Çiydem, iStock 484587772; Page 52: Katherine Du Tiel; Page 56: Hemera Technologies, AbleStock 87512434; Page 62: Photo Courtesy of the SFPUC; Page 66: Photoquest7, iStock 10294335; Page 73: BananaStock 79168479; Page 74: Katherine Du Tiel; Page 80: Sergey Rasulov, iStock 481079866; Page 86: DAJ, ThinkStock 77369673; Page 92: Katherine Du Tiel About the Authors Carolie Sly is education program director of the Center for Ecoliteracy. Her publications include the California State Environmental Education Guide, the Center’s Big Ideas: Linking Food, Culture, Health, and the Environment, and the discussion guide for the award-winning documentary, Food, Inc. Leslie Comnes is an education writer and curriculum designer based in Portland, Oregon. She works with national, state, and local organizations to develop