Big Book of Jobs Summer 2022 | Page 16


Page 16 Big Book of Jobs • Wednesday , August 10 , 2022 MinnesotaState . Jobs . com • 800.955.6112

Developing Good Search Habits

Looking for work doesn ’ t have to become a full-time job
There ’ s so much fear and anxiety associated with being out of work that it ’ s easy to spend too much time searching for employment . There can be more stress involved with looking than there ever was while holding a position . That ’ s why it ’ s important to develop good search habits so that every moment counts .
Burn out is a very real risk when you spend too much time looking for a job , in particular if a significant amount of time goes by and financial worries compound things . Incorporating more effective habits will help focus your search , while also potentially shortening the time between jobs . It ’ s important not to isolate yourself during this time , since the support of friends , family and peers is so important to mental wellness . Their support and encouragement can provide needed motivation when the job hunt becomes frustrating . Begin by discussing where you ’ ve applied and the experiences you ’ ve had . They ’ ve likely had a similar experience in the past , and
can offer welcome advice . They might even help you
make a connection you hadn ’ t thought of yet .
STRENGTH IN NUMBERS Beyond your social circle ,
don ’ t forget to continue networking — just as you would if you were already employed and trying to continue a professional development journey . These contacts might also alert you to job openings before they ’ re posted for the general public . Search out job-hunting groups , either in person or virtually , for additional support . They ’ ve likely been where you are before too — and you ’ ll be widening your possible contact pool for future employment . Search social-media sites like Facebook and LinkedIn for groups , or postings a jobsearch offices . You might even make a new friend .
Too often , job searchers get stuck on the latest version of their resume . It ’ s understandable since we often spend a lengthy amount of time adding and polishing this document in the hopes of effectively showcasing our candidacy . But reorganizing your resume and cover letter with an eye on a particular job or a position in a different field is critical to making the best impression — and making it quickly . Focus on specific keywords related to the industry , since some prospective employers use tracking systems to pre-screen applicants . That can speed things along , too .