Big Book of Jobs Summer 2022 | Page 10


Page 10 Big Book of Jobs • Wednesday , August 10 , 2022 MinnesotaState . Jobs . com • 800.955.6112

Avoiding Cover Letter Mistakes

They may feel old-fashioned , but a well-crafted cover letter could mean the difference between being employed and unemployed .
It ’ s tempting to craft one catch-all letter , proof read it , then simply copy and paste the same content over and over to multiple possible employers . You may also find yourself applying for more than one job at a time , and standardizing the letter can seem like a great stream-lining idea . But you won ’ t be differentiating yourself or highlighting the parts of your background that might improve your candidacy .
Hiring managers can get the nuts and bolts of your career path from the resume itself . Your letter should put all of that in perspective as it relates to this particular position , while showcasing you as a person — rather than just another applicant .
Always use conversational , first-person language in a cover letter . Mention how you were alerted to their vacancy ,
and why the position is attractive to you . At the same time , focus on using words
like “ we ” and “ us .” It may sound counterintuitive , but cover letters can ’ t be all about
the candidate . You ’ ll never be able to completely avoid using the word “ I ” — and you
shouldn ’ t . But cover letters tend to be better received if you make them more about how you ’ ll integrate with the company .
Do a bit of research into their values , projects and mission statement , then focus on how you ’ d like to further those goals . Including your thoughts on these initiatives shows a dedication to becoming a committed , engaged employee . Remember to customize every letter by integrating as many of their job-announcement keywords as possible .
Let ’ s face it , there aren ’ t many ways to bring a spark to the average resume . The document is really only there to share employment details , not to show off your personality . That ’ s where a cover letter can set your application apart .
Take a more anecdotedriven approach . Offer insights into your own motivations , what inspired you and how that fed into your desire to become a leader , collaborator and mentor at their company .
The goal is to tell your story in a brief but engaging way . Hiring managers are likely shifting through many cover letters , and being yourself is one way to stand out .