Galleries • marathon / ft . davis
color artist , Sonya Haynie , and J . Davis Studio artisans ( and brothers ) Tony and Jake Guerrero . If you miss the Artwalk exhibit , John ’ s work can be purchased locally at Kiowa Gallery and in Big Bend National Park at the Chisos Mountain Lodge . For more locations , visit www . JDavisStudio . com .
TONK \ tóŋk \ things ordinary not known 113 e Holland Ave ., Alpine Texas ; 432-249- 2205 ; tonk @ bigbend . net ; A store front , contemporary art space promoting both emerging and internationally exhibited artists with a focus in visual arts , film / video and sound . TONK also houses the studio of Rachel Anne Manera and is open most days , please email or telephone for appointment , exhibit or upcoming event information .
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30 Hwy US 90
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Ave . D
25 Baxter Studio & Gallery P . O . Box 93 ; Rabbit Bldg , 209 W . U . S . 90 ; 432-386-4041 ; www . baxtergallery . com The Baxter Gallery features the paintings of Big Bend artist Mary Baxter . She depicts the plants and animals , landscapes and light of this region , in oils and watercolor , from small plein air studies to large works on canvas . Please call for an appointment or , if you ’ re in Marathon , knock on the front door----it ’ s the building with the big Jackrabbit painted on the front . Multiple shows .
Texas .
22 • www . GalleriesArtists . com
26 Front Street Books - Marathon 105 W . Hwy . 90 ; 432-386-4249 ; www . fsbooks . com An independent bookseller serving Marathon & Alpine . Features a large inventory of general interest titles with an emphasis on regional subjects , Texas , Big Bend , Natural History , Fiction and Texana . Also , the exclusive Big Bend Gallery for James A . Mangum , mixed media artist and award winning writer .
27 The Galleries at Eve ’ s Garden Ave . C and North 3rd ; 432-386-4165 ; www . evesgarden . org Eve ’ s Garden Bed and Breakfast and Ecology Resource Center features original works by local artists Priscilla Wiggins , Monte Schatz , Luc Novovitch and Deborah Allison , presented throughout the gathering and guest rooms . The sustainable building is unique and notable art , an architectural fusion of Old Mexico and Middle Eastern , using papercrete technology developed on site . Eve ’ s Garden is also the home of Flowers by Kate , featuring organic flowers for special occasions .
28 Evans Gallery 4 doors down from The Gage ; 432-386-4366 ; www . jameshevans . com Photographs of 21 year Marathon resident James H . Evans and author of “ Big Bend Pictures ” ( black & white photos of Big Bend ’ s people and landscape ). Articles about James and his workhave been featured in Texas Monthly Magazine and his work is collected by major museums in Texas .
29 The Gage Hotel 101 W . Hwy . 90 ; 432-386-4205 ; 800-884-GAGE ; www . gagehotel . com The Gage Hotel displays the private collection of J . P . Bryan . Vintage originals from the 19th and early 20th centuries are displayed in the Reposa Room and Cafe Cenizo . The historic Gage Hotel is Trost & Trost designed and was built in 1927 . It features elegant accomodations with authentic period decor and has been voted the # 1 small hotel in