Big Bend Real Estate Guide May 2020 | Page 4

Rod Ponton attorney at law SOLUTION ORIENTED Real Estate • Family Law • Probate • Civil Litigation • Business Law • UP TO 400 MBPS *Where Available MAIN BUSINESS OFFICE 808 N. Fifth St. Alpine, TX 79830 PRESIDIO BUSINESS OFFICE 106 Fernando Daly St. Presidio, TX 79845 800 .592.4781 123 North 6th Street • Alpine, Texas 79830 432 837 0990 Se Habla Español Capital Far m Cr edit understands that at a house in the country is mor e than a place to o live; it’ ’s s a home wher e you cr eate family memo ries. W e’r e a cooperative—your goals ar e our goa ls. And our patr onage dividend pr ogram means we e shar e our pr ofits and put money back in your pocket. cket. T o g e ther t w e ’ r e b e tt er . I t ’ s y o u r d r e a m . L e t ’ s m a k e i t a r e a l i t y. . Partners ship that r eally pays. alpine e 432.837.5948 108 W . A venue E c a p it a lf a r m c r e d it . c o m | NML S4 4 9 3 8 2 8 • 3