Big Bend Real Estate Guide January 2020 | Page 15

Capital Far m Cr edit understands that at a house in the country is mor e than a place to o live; it’ ’s s a home wher e you cr eate family memories. ries. W e’r e a cooperative—your goals ar e our goa ls. And our patr onage dividend pr ogram means we e shar e our pr ofits and put money back in your pocket. cket. T o g e ther t w e ’ r e b e tt er . I t ’ s y o u r d r e a m . L e t ’ s m a k e i t a r e a l i t y. . Partners ship that r eally pays. alpine e 432.837.5948 108 W . A venue E c a p it a lf a r m c r e d it . c o m | NML S4 4 9 3 8 2 8 Ask About Our Current Specials! HO M E E L E M E N T S STOCK TILE Premium Tile by Interceramic As low as $1.00 sq ft 302 W Holland Ave. Alpine (432) 837-1051 • (432) 294-2667 Monday – Friday 8 am – 5 pm Call Today for Our Great Special! SKINNER’S DRILLING & WELL SERVICE, LLC Providing Quality Service To You Since 1978 432.294.0258 FREE Delivery & Set (within 50 miles from dealer location) Locations in Alpine, TX 2200 N Hwy 118 • 90365 E Hwy 90 • 5HVLGHQWLDOĆ&RPPHUFLDOĆ$JULFXOWXUDO 0XQLFLSDOĆ,QGXVWULDOĆ5LJ6XSSO\ 432-837-2497 WALTER SKINNER TDLR Master Lic. #2838CMWI John Skinner Lic. #59655KLPW Thomas Skinner Lic. #59401LPW 15