Big Bang News August 2013 | Page 3

My experience in the milk tea store

Igot a part-time job .

Today is the 30th day for me to work in the milk tea store . We call it a part-time job , but everyone knows we are doing a full-time job with a parttime salary . I work 10 hours every day and seven days every week . But it does not matter . What I actually care about is my chance to work here .
The truth is that I am not a smart girl , but diligent enough . The boss`s sister also works there . When the boss is out , her sister is in charge of the store . That is the first sign of trouble . During the first few days I was there , I almost became a troublemaker . They all said that if Athena is not making trouble now , she must be on the way to making trouble !
When I became a seller , I realized that being an employee or worker is far tougher than it looks from the outside . You might think that selling milk tea is such a simple job that you would even look down your nose at it . You are utterly wrong to think that . A milk tea seller ’ s responsibility is far more than just “ standing ”.
Every morning , when you are sleeping deeply or thinking about whether to go to class , I have started to boil milk tea , pearl , pudding and so forth . I need to prepare all necessary materials in one hour . Sometimes I even need to boil three or four drinks at one time . According to the strict introduction I received , strictlyI am supposed to remember each specific time for boiling milk tea or something like pudding . One second longer and it may be burnt . One second less and it will not coagulate . The complexity of the procedure is far beyond your imagination . Most of the time , it drives me crazy .
When I stand outside of the bar as a client , what I often do is simply pay , complain and wait . But now , I need to make milk tea , coffee and juice for the clients and listen to them grumble . However , I cannot quit it , because I have found that I love this job .
While everyone may regard me as a common , part-time-job girl , from my perspective , I am doing something glorious in this job . Every time when I give the milk tea to the clients with a smile on my face , I feel at the top of the world . . If my service makes you happy , I have realized my dream .
I wanted to write this story to celebrate my one-month-work . At the same time , I want to share what I have

learned :

In essence , I do not need to confirm a grouchy boss , but rather to show you a cheerful Athena .
I got a part-time job .
1 . Be a person who is down-toearth . 2 . Never beat around the bush during work . 3 . Learn to give others a hand without ulterior expectations . 4 . “ Dance as if nobody is watching you ; love as if you have never been hurt ; work as if you did not need money .”
14 May 2013