Biennial Report 2018-2019 | Page 12

Flowering Meadow in Coverdale Farm Preserve ’ s Burrow ’ s Run Photography by Christi Leeson

~ 4,300 pounds of Thanksgiving turkey

produced by conventional and heritage pasture-raised turkeys
The Market Gardener ’ s Masterclass . Extensive farm plans were made and input into a new agricultural software project management system called TEND .
Integrating new organic growing methods , hiring a new lead Vegetable Farmer , and training all farm staff in these methods made 2019 an important transition year . It also marked an important milestone ; adherence to our new business and operations strategies , planting plans , and economic drivers that could be tracked and evaluated through TEND software . These updates ensured that the 2020 growing season would have a strong foundation for success .
In July of 2019 , Coverdale Farm Preserve also began to advance the pasture grazing program with the installation of perimeter fencing along the pasture fields identified in the Coverdale Master Plan . Approximately 9,475 feet of perimeter fence was installed .
Approximately 60 acres of grazing pasture were enrolled in the New Castle County Conservation District ’ s Winter Cover Crop Program . This seeding of forage ( Continued on page 8 )

35,000 pounds of produce

at Coverdale Farm Preserve ’ s CSA