Biciklistička transverzala Riječkog prstena Bike Route | Page 28
Na stazi dugoj 4 168,75, a širokoj 10 metara odvijaju se mnoga auto i moto
natjecanja, a najatraktivnije je Svjetsko prvenstvo motora s prikolicom.
Od 1978. godine, kada je izgrađena, pista zadovoljava stroge kriterije
svjetske auto i moto federacije (FIA i FIM), a posjeduje i dozvolu za sve vrste
automobilskih i motociklističkih utrka osim F1.
This 4,168.75 m long and 10 m wide race track has hosted numerous
car and motorcycle races, the most attractive probably being the Sidecar
World Championship. Since its construction in 1978, this race track has
met the strict criteria of the FIA and FIM Car and Motorcycle Federations.
Moreover, Grobnik Automotodrom also has a license for all types of car
and motorcycle races except F1.
Vrhunski gastro užitak, iznikla je iz štedljive tradicije starih Grobničana. Njen
okus nikad nije isti i ovisi o kakvoći kukuruza, kako se mljelo brašno, kakve je
kvalitete krumpir i još puno sitnica. Danas se palenti u čast organizira veliki
Festival palente i sira u lipnju.
This superb delicacy is a result of the local tradition where in the old days
people had to be very sparing with food. The taste of this type of polenta
can vary depending on the quality of corn, the way the flour was milled,
the quality of potatoes, and many other details. Nowadays the Polenta and
Cheese Festival is organised every June to celebrate this traditional recipe.
Sazidan u obliku trokuta iznad Grobničkog polja naseljen je još u prethistoriji.
Tu su boravili Iliri, Rimljani, Goti i Franci a od 1225. godine u vlasništvu je
Krčih knezova, Frankopana. U 16. stoljeću prelazi u vlasništvo porodice
Zrinski. Posljednji vlasnik bila mu je plemićka obitelj Thurn - Taxis, a 1945.
godine biva nacionaliziran. Danas, prekrasan svjedok prošlosti pruža sa
svojih zidina pogled na cijelu Grobnišćinu.
Built in the shape of a triangle on top of a hill overlooking the plain
of Grobničko Polje, this site was inhabited as early as prehistory. This is
where Illyrians, Romans, Goths and Franks dwelled. From 1225, the castle
was owned by the Princes of Krk, the noble Frankopan family. In the 16th
century it became the property of the noble Zrinski family. The last owner
was the Thurn – Taxis noble family, before it was nationalised in 1945.
Today this site bears witness to local history and provides a magnificent
view of the Grobnik area from its ancient walls.
Svakako posjetite Also visit
Aerodrom Grobnik / Airfield
Mlikaričin put / Milkmaid’s path
Lujzijana / Louisiana road
Crkva sv. Bartola / St. Bartholomew
Grobnički labirinti / Labyrinths
Čebuharova kuća / Čebuhar’s house