the open utopia b y Da n i e l G o m e s Utopia, the literature classic that immortalized its author’s name and shaped an entire subgenre of fiction, has been made fully available and free to read at, a website dedicated to honor the legacy of Thomas More’s opus magnum. son that led to his execution as well Sir Thomas More was an ex- as his canonization, as the Catholic ceptionally accomplished man in Church revere Thomas More as a his lifetime: he enjoyed a successful saint for his martyr’s death career as a lawyer and a in defense of the Church’s statesman, which culmina- unity. ted in his appointment to "Pride thinks Ye t n o n e o f t h e s e the position of Lord High its own feats can match his Chancellor of England happiness g round-braking satire in 1529. He was also a Utopia. First published in Catholic philosopher and shines the Renaissance humanist ac- brighter by 1516, the fictional work quainted with some of the comparing has gone on to form the backbone of utopian and brightest minds of his time, it to the dystopian literature and including fellow humanist misfortunes to inspire economic and Erasmus of Rotterdam. of other political ideologies such as Moreover, More’s faith in persons." socialism and communism. the Catholic doctrine led Heavily based on Plato’s him to battle the English Republic and the emergent Reformation and subse- humanist ideals of More’s time, quently reject the King’s supremacy Utopia depicts an idyllic nation and over the church – an act of high trea- 31