B I B L I O N - A C H R I S T I A N B OO K P U B L I C AT I O N Fo l l ow i n g t h e M o n t g o m e r y movement is the Sit-in movement of the 1960’s, a galvanizing rally of black students that spread throughout southern schools and townships of the US, consisting of occupying cafeterias and other public places, and which gave America a brilliant example of disciplined, non-violent action worthy of opposing the segregation system of that time. Throughout more than 400 pages, the book describes meticulously the most remarkable events in the process of the African-American fight for civil rights under Rev. King’s selfless leader- ship, based on true, original texts and content. There’s the narration of the Birmingham and Chicago campaigns, of the Washington and Selma mar- ches, of his involvement with Malcolm X and the Black Power movement, of his talks with American heads of state – Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon; several episodes of his numerous times in prison; accounts of his family life, which was crucial for his motivation. Even the full length of his ultimate speech in Memphis, the day before his murder, is included in this work. “Longevity has its place. But I'm not concerned about that now. I just want to do God's will. And He's al- lowed me to go up to the mountain. And I've looked over. And I've seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the Promised Land!” a remarkable work As Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Archive Director, Clayborne Carson is an expert in terms of the gigantic amount of documents that comprise his collection. Na- turally, Carson was invited by King’s heirs to compile the reverend’s invaluable legacy of letters, messages and journals into a book, including recordings and pictures from his sermons and public speeches. Thousands of documents and records have been read, heard and viewed, and later stringed in a chronologic, historical and factually coherent narrative in the first person, thus adding to this “autobiography” a very unique identification of a very unique world figure. More than an MLK autobiography, this work is a long and well-established unraveling of the historical events in the racial liberation achieved by black Americans. 23