P ersona i h av e a d r e a m M artin L u ther K ing , J r . E d i to r a B i z â n c i o b y Pau l o S é r g i o G omes The life of Martin Luther King, Jr. blends seamlessly with the fight against racial discrimination, which he experienced from a very early age. Although his parents had taught him the notable values of civility and dignity, the reigning system in the south of the United States, where he lived, repressed the African-American population at all costs, and he soon rebelled against it. The life of Martin Luther King, Jr. blends seamlessly with the fight against racial discrimination, which he experienced from a very early age. Although his parents had taught him the notable values of civility and dignity, the reigning system in the south of the United States, where he lived, repressed the African-American population at all costs, and he soon rebelled against it. The restrictions imposed were one of the authorities’ obsessions. King states that no black child in Atlanta could go to a local park. Likewise, he could not attend white-only schools, nor walk into a restaurant to eat a burger or drink coffee. Entertainment 20 ISSUE #8 facilities for people of color, such as movie theaters, were also rare. King’s education allowed him to develop his intellectual path with some of the best mentors of his time, studying philosophical currents, iden- tifying with the theories of the world’s greatest leaders – preparing himself for a unique ordeal in the history of mankind. He spent the Christmas break of 1949 reading Karl Marx, attempting to understand why Communism was attracting so many people, but it was Gandhi that fascinated King upon hearing the testimony of Dr. Mordecai Johnson, who had just re- turned from a trip to India and spoke