B I B L I O N - ENGLISH VERSION even though it is such a painful one. After that Irish that have not forgotten the violent con- day memorials were built, and measures were frontations between Catholics and Protestants, taken so that an act of terrorism such as that Jews that have not forgotten the terror of the one would never take place again. The day Holocaust, and so one. No one dares to forget. itself became an official day of mourning Miroslav Volf is not a stranger to tragedy. and remembrance – the Patriot Day. I doubt He too went through very rough times in his anyone could forget what happened with all life, and this book is partly based on one of this, even if that person wanted to forget. his worst years. In the communist regime of Nonetheless, there is one Yu g o s l av i a , t h e t h e o - question that goes almost logian was called to unnoticed with all this em- ser ve in the militar y at phasis in not forgetting: Why Mostar, where he spent a not forget? Why continue to year being constantly inter- remember such a bitter and rogated. It was one of the harsh event to us? What is the most scarring experiences in final purpose of keeping this the life of the Croatian theo- wretched memory alive? Is logian, whose connections it simply to remember those to religion and to capitalist who perished? Is it to forgive America made him a suspect this uncanny offense? Or is it of espionage and subversion, to perpetuate the fear and the and subsequently a target to violence? While most people extensive and dehumanizing agree we shouldn’t forget “talks” with one of the such a dire atrocity, public ex-Yugoslav officials. Volf THE END OF MEMORY opinion is not as unanimous talks about the way the cap- Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing as to why we shouldn’t forget. tain made that year a living This is one of the reasons why several parts hell to him on this book, and how he un- of world face a political and/or social crisis to- dermined Volf ’s trust in his comrades as he day: ex-Yugoslavs that have not forgotten the sought evidence to incriminate the theologian. brutalities of the 90’s, African-Americans that Nevertheless, The End of Memory is not have not forgotten the times of segregation, just a recounting of the torment Volf went 17