In antithesis, the great opponent to Hitler’s
imperial conquest, Winston Churchill, always
acted in defense of the Christian civilization.
The British statesman’s own life is proof that
history is made by energetic people that strive
for the impossible.
Jeremiah Johnston answers to the great
questions about how the world would be,
with and without Christianity. What was it
that Romans didn’t like about Christianity?
What is the value of life and human dignity?
What made Christianity irresistible?
What this book shows to us and to the
skeptics is that nothing would be the same
without the existence of Jesus and the Chris-
tian movement that grew around Him. Yes,
because up to the first twenty years of the first
century, there wasn’t any of this Christianity
thing going on. It was His miracles and hea-
ling power, but above all the reality of Jesus’
resurrection, that everything changed. The
Jesus factor.
This Jesus factor contributed to the aboli-
tion of slavery, thanks to men like William
Wilberforce and John Wesley, to the resolving
of international conflicts, to the end of dis-
crimination and inequality concerning sex,
ethnicity and religion, and to the establish-
ment of public education systems, including
for those with disabilities.
In the ancient world there was no “huma-
nitarian help,” but the first Christians learned
with the Jesus factor how to take in the outcasts
and the sojourners, building the communal
shelters of medical care – the hospitals of
our days.