The castle of Anvard is the capital of the small yet proud kingdom of Archenland , located south of the kingdom of Narnia . Made up of reddish-brown stone , the castle is easily recognized by its numerous towers and lack of a moat . The castle harbors Archenland ’ s royal family , including King Lune and his children .
Aslan ’ s How
Built after the great Battle of Beruna that saw Narnians clash with the White Witch and her forces , Aslan ’ s How is a kind of sanctuary , standing on and incorporating the Stone Table . Its walls contain depictions of the most important events in Narnian history , including the Battle of Beruna . The hollowed-out mound becomes the headquarters of the Narnian forces led by Prince Caspian on the Second Battle of Beruna .
The region of Beruna is known for lending its name to two battles that made history , as both were fought on its fords . During the Telmarine period , a settlement was established on the fords ’ margin ; this settlement is also known as Beruna and is well known for its red roofs .
Lone Islands
Caspian X arrives to the so-called Lone Islands on his quest for the Telmarine noblemen who were loyal to him . This region seems to bear its name not because it stands isolated from the rest of the world , but because it stands practically independent from its true allegiance , the Kingdom of Narnia ( that is , until Caspian arrives ). The region comprises three islands : Avra , Doorn , and Felimath , with the island of Doorn being the most important one . www . biblion . pt / en 59