suggests – and backs up – is a complex sys- tem of communication, dissimulated in the old Scriptures, and that through investigation and research may lead to the deciphering of a code authored by God Himself, which may reveal divine messages hidden in the Bible. It is effectively surprising the coincidence of the facts thus described by Smith, and R E S E A R C H TOO K T H E AU T H O R TO R A R E L Y S E E N DOC U M E N T S the specific casualty connected to himself and his genealogy, which ser ved as the starting point to the “odyssey” of a lifetime. From a natural tendency to examine antiqui- ties, this descendant of a renowned family of constructors was led by a number of singular experiences to believe that he stood before an in- tricate puzzle, with a higher power guiding in his consecutive retrieval of new leads to complete the 32 SEP-OCT 2017