Bible Week Booklet Fijian Version BB 2019 English | Page 8
Bible Text - Psalm 119:9
“How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it
according to your word.” (ESV)
David the Psalmist shares an important insight regarding young people
and their relationship to the Word of God. For them to keep themselves
pure, they can only do so by living according to the Word of God.
We have already seen in the last study that the Word of God is “spirit
and life” (John 6:63). This means that it is already pure. You cannot add
anything else to it nor take anything away from it to make it pure. You
just have to yield yourself to it.
The younger generation of today need more exposure to the word of God
than ever, in order to counter the ravaging effects of a very secular society
and through its liberal media outlets. There’s no other time in history
when the younger minds have been bombarded left, right and centre
with a worldview that tries to pull them into its mould and poison their
innocent minds. The effects of social media on the young generation is
frightening. Many young people spend more time on their smartphones
than anything else. What you focus on more is what will shape your life
and worldview.
The younger generation need to know that the world has a standard and
they too must know who they are and the standard they should aspire to
uphold. Paul is writing to the Romans in chapter 12, verse 2 where he
says, “Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let
God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then
you will be able to know the will of God—what is good and is pleasing
to him and is perfect” (GNT).
A young Christian’s standard must be based on the word of God. Every
young person must make that choice and the only way they can live up
to God’s standard is to read, study, meditate and act upon the Word of
God. When you know who you are in God-that you are a child of God,
adopted into His family and possess all the spiritual blessings that are in
Christ, you can live an uncompromising life that pleases God and bring
glory to His name.