Bible Week Booklet Fijian Version BB 2019 English | Page 4

STUDY 1 GOD’S WORD AND YOU Bible Text - 2 Timothy 3:16-17 “ 16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. (NIV) The Bible is God’s written word. Sometimes this is referred to as the ‘logos.’This Greek word, which is most often translated ‘word,’ means “the entire communication process.” The best example of ‘logos’ for us is the Bible which is God’s “entire communication process” to us in written form. It is important for every believer, therefore, to prayerfully meditate on the Bible, which allows God to speak to us through scriptures, which in turn gives life to our hearts (Luke 24:32). The Bible also tells us to hide the word in our hearts so we do not sin against God (Ps. 119:11). In 2Timothy 3:16-17 above, we see the phrase “God breathed” with reference to the Scripture and it’s not only some scriptures but ALL Scripture. This means that the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation contains the very breath of God which is the LIFE of God himself. It is absolutely imperative for every believer to understand this. Our attitude to the Bible, the written word of God, is a reflection of our attitude to God himself. We cannot say that we love God and not love the Bible, which is the Word of God. If God’s Word (the Bible) is God’s “entire communication process,” then to neglect it is to neglect God himself and what He intends to communicate to us. Secondly his “entire communication process” is “God breathed,” meaning it contains the very life of God. So, to ignore the Bible is to ignore the very life we need in order to live. It is possible to exist but not live. Unfortunately, many Christians fall into this category; they merely exist but not living. The Word of God is the only thing that can give you the reason for being alive! 3