Bible Week Booklet Fijian Version BB 2019 English | Page 2

GOD’S WORD GIVES LIFE FOR ALL! Purpose of this Study This series of Bible studies will help you better understand the value of the Word of God for your life. The Word of God is God Himself (John 1:1). This means that God is inseparable from His Word. He is bound by the Word He speaks and His Word contains the VERY LIFE of God Himself! The Bible declares in (Numbers 23:19), “God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfil?” (NIV) What this entails is that God’s Word is absolutely trustworthy because God is not a human being. He is God the divine! He never fails. Everything in life can fail us but God’s word is our sure foundation because God is bound by His word and his word will always come to pass. Nothing can change it nor stop it from being fulfilled in your life! The Word of God is the very life of God. When God made Adam from the dust of the earth in (Genesis 2:7), Adam only became a living being after God “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.” There is an unshakeable truth that needs to be established here. There is no spoken word without breath. Every time one speaks, breath is involved. It is an important component of the spoken word. That is exactly what happened to Adam when he was lying in his earth suit (body). There was no life in him. Life only came to him through the breath of God; which is the very life of God! It is the sincere desire of the writer of this Bible Week Study that by the end of this study, you will be absolutely changed from the inside out and treat the Word of God like you would host God himself if he comes in person into your home. You are invited to join the Bible Society in this seven-day journey to explore the vital relationship between the Word of God and the life you now live. Enjoy the journey! 1