Bible Week Booklet Fijian Version BB 2019 English | Page 16

STUDY 7 GOD’S WORD GIVES LIFE FOR LEADERS Bible Text - Psalm 119:105 “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” David was one of the finest and most illustrious leaders of Israel. Despite his imperfections, God used him in a mighty way to defeat a giant, deliver a nation from imminent shame and defeat and propelled him to a position of leadership in Israel. If one has to dissect David’s secret to success as a leader, the primacy of the Word of God in his life must be at the top. It is obvious from the text above (Psalm 119:105) and the entire book of Psalm. David was not only a worshipper. He was also a warrior at heart. He developed into a leader of courage with wisdom and strength beyond his years. He took responsibility seriously and was always at the forefront in everything. He led from the front; not the rear. He developed into maturity very quickly because he was responsible. He demonstrated his godly spirit through his willingness to take on Goliath while the great warriors of Israel hid in their tents (1 Sam 17:40-50). He enjoyed a clear sense of dependence on God and made sure God would get the glory for any success in his life. Despite being the youngest in a family of eight boys, God chose him anyway. He was a leader after God’s own heart (1 Sam 13:14). What qualified him as a leader by God’s standard? He was a man of character. He does not major on his outward impressiveness but on his inward character (1 Sam 16:7). True godly character is nurtured in privacy in one’s secret and sacred place in God. The book of Psalms (longest in the Bible) is a testament to David’s heart for worship and intentional focus and raw dependence on God. Any leader who does the same as David will also be successful. God is looking for godly leaders in the family, church, business and the nation. John Maxwell said, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” This was true with Israel then and also true for us today. When Israel had a good leader, God blessed the nation but when Israel had a bad leader, the nation is punished. Godly leadership is all about putting God first in everything and complete obedience and adherence to His word. 15