Bible Week Booklet Fijian Version BB 2019 English | Page 14

STUDY 6 GOD’S WORD GIVES LIFE FOR THE NATION Bible Text - Psalm 33:12 “Blessed is the nation, whose God is the Lord, the people whom He has chosen for Hs own inheritance.” God is sovereign and he alone determines the destiny of all nations on earth. God doesn’t need a committee to decide what needs to be done now and for the future. He alone is the sole judge. And by nature, God is a JUST God. This makes it imperative that every nation on earth must first of all acknowledge that there is a God who created all things and has to be worshipped without compromise. In fact, the Psalmist declares in Psalm 24:1, “The earth is the Lords and everything therein.” The earth is God’s by ownership, it is ours by stewardship. Stewardship means that we will one day be accountable to God, the owner, for the way we have looked after what belongs to him. When we understand this as Christians, it becomes clear to us that only through the worship of the one true God, can we be blessed as a nation and bear true allegiance to his course. God spoke to the Israelites in Exodus 20 where he laid down before them the ten commandments, the first of which captures the essence of who He is and why He needs to be the number one focus and priority of every person and peoples on earth. This is what he said then and still very much relevant for every nation on earth today. “And God spoke all these words: I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me.” God reminds Israel that he alone is their worship. Secondly, he told enslaved people who could not needed a deliverer and God came to God and he alone deserves them that they were an redeem themselves. They their rescue through Moses. As Christians, we are obligated not only to pray for our nations and leaders, but also to do everything we can to remind those in leadership that a nation without God is a nation without purpose, meaning and direction. God’s word provides the sure foundation upon which a godly nation is built. A nation is blessed when God is enthroned in his rightful place as God. 13