Bible Week Booklet Fijian Version BB 2019 English | Page 10

STUDY 4 GODS WORD GIVES LIFE FOR THE FAMILY Bible Text - Genesis 2:24-25 “That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh. Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.” The family is a sacred institution ordained by God to be the very fabric and foundation of all human relationships. It was the first social institu- tion established by God even before he established the government and the church. This means that the strength and longevity of the church and a nation will depend on the strength of its family unit. This is the institution that is going through the greatest attack by the dev- il today. In fact, the attack started right there in the garden of Eden. The devil did not waste any time the moment Adam and Eve were together. He knew that if he could destroy that marriage union, he could destroy the family and everything else. This is why there must be an intentional emphasis in the church to strengthen marriage and the family. The family is a community on earth that reflects the community of the Godhead; Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. There is no other relationship on earth that best reflects the rela- tionship between God and man like the relationship between a man and woman in marriage. Let us look at a few insights on this: 1. The marriage relationship must be a PRIMARY relationship, just as the relationship between God and man is primary. God did not create a father, mother or mother in law for a man but a WIFE. Only a wife can establish a ‘one flesh’ relationship with a man. 2. The marriage relationship must be a PERMANENT relationship just as the relationship between God and man must be permanent. Children will be with the parents for only a few years but a husband and wife re- lationship is for life. 3. The marriage relationship must be EXCLUSIVE. The text says that a man must be married “to his wife,” not ‘wives.’ Monogamy is God’s design just as man must serve ONLY ONE GOD! 4. The marriage relationship must be INTIMATE. The man and a woman in marriage become a “one flesh” union. No longer are they two but one! The relationship between God and man is only meaningful when it is intimate. 9