Bianca bianca (1) | Page 35

4 Looking around, she felt that her thoughts were too loud that everyone around her could actually hear them.. Then the hallucinations started, and she started feeling that everyone around knew what she did, or at least checked her suitcase suspiciously.. They knew what you did stupid.. You think yourself smart enough to commit the perfect crime..? Sorry to disappoint you, but that man looking towards you suspiciously before having some angry words with the guy sitting on his table knew.. That waiter whispering few words with the other fat waiter while looking at you knew.. Even the woman who shouted at her child when she smiled at you knew.. All of them suspect you smarty.. There won't be a lot time before the dead body being found, and the search for the suspects among the dead man's relatives starting.. If too much time passed on you here, it would be late and you won't be able to leave the city on time.. Taking a look at the accelerating clock's arms anxiously, then she looked at the TV turned on the news and.... - Miss.. Someone left you this before leaving the café.. She was startled on cutting her thoughts.. It was one of the waiters handing her a folded piece of paper.. She took it wondering whether it was “Magdy" telling her that he will be late..? But the waiter just told her that whoever left it was in the café and left.. Dammit.. Read the damn paper first, then decide what to think next.. What was written on it was one simple sentence, but it was scary enough to send shivers down her back.. Your crime wasn't without a witness..!! Signature: none of your business.