But unfortunately, it wasn’t him.. It was a guy in his mid-thirties, that walked
towards that hot blond girl sitting near.. “Sarah” found herself thinking again
about “Magdy”, while looking through the window again.. Maybe if she was as
nice looking as that blond he wouldn’t have been that late on her..? She secretly
looked at the blond thinking: maybe if she took care of herself and dressed nice
like that girl, she would’ve appeared more attractive to him..? She felt that her
brown dress was far as hell from that.. She took a look after that to the lady in
the blue jacket and jeans sitting by herself in the other corner.. “Sarah” saw her
before more than once at the coiffeur she used to go to.. According to her
information, she was married to a handsome man and had a couple of lovely
kids. A happy ideal family as far as she knew.. "Sarah" found herself thinking
that, maybe, if she had a caring family like that she wouldn't have thought of
running away like this?
Maybe after all she was just too clingy or annoying for "Magdy" to stand?
Maybe she did something stupid that made him change his mind about
showing up on time, or even worse, not showing at all..? She raised her eyes for
a couple of seconds to look at the other customers, then decided to call him
Ring ring ring.. Still no answer..!!
She wouldn't call him from a new number that he didn't know because she
didn't want to face the possibility of him avoiding to return her calls on
purpose, as that would be too much for her to stand.. Let her act like she had
more important things to do than calling him again..