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fairburn agate fields

ghost towns

Once-thriving communities in the Black Hills died out when mining petered out , the railroad bypassed the town or they were buried underwater ( Pactola City under Pactola Reservoir , Sheridan under Sheridan Lake and Lithia under Angostura Reservoir ). They are romantic memories of the Old West .
Worth a look are Rochford ( population 25 ), founded in 1876 as a source of gold ore . Today , the Moonshine Gulch Saloon is a favorite hangout for local musicians . Rockerville , founded in 1878 , was larger than Rapid City and had a fine hotel , social clubs and a 17-mile-long flume for placer mining . Its boom time was short , for the flume leaked badly and investors lost heavily . Remaining is the log cabin of Capt . Jack Crawford , the “ poet scout ,” dating to that period .
Cascade , above , located in Fall River County , folded when the railroad went to Hot Springs instead . By the turn of the century , Cascade had 50 businesses , a post office and 400 residents . The old bank building is the only building still standing . Behind it runs the picturesque waters of Cascade , fed by bubbling springs . The building above was the Allen Bank . J . G . and J . H . Keith founded Cascade and remained there decades after everyone else abandoned it . Their heirs donated it to the Forest Service .
Spokane was founded in 1890 to extract gold , but the mine proved richer in silver , copper , zinc , mica and graphite . The remains of Spokane can be found 16 miles from Custer , just north of Custer State Park ’ s northern border and a short walk from Forest Service Road 330 .

South Dakota ’ s gemstone , the Fairburn agate , is one of the loveliest of banded specimens known to mankind and is highly sought after . The stones range in value from $ 20 to thousands of dollars . The Fairburn agate is named for the agate beds about 10 miles east of Fairburn . They may be taken on a designated portion of the Buffalo Gap National Grasslands northeast of the town of Fairburn . Look for the signs . gold discovery

Golden Valley , where the Custer Expedition camped in 1874 , is just west of Custer State Park . Gold was discovered by Horatio Ross in French Creek . There is a sign on America Center Road marking the spot . Custer ’ s initials and the year are carved into a rock where these men stand .
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