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Devils Tower

Shrine of

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Mount Rushmore

One of our nation ’ s most recognizable and popular icons is found in the Southern Black Hills . Mount Rushmore is a timeless mon ument to the patriotism and determination of sculptor Gutzon Borglum and the miners he guided in carving a mountain into a work of art .
It is one of the largest sculptures in the world . It measures 250 feet across and each head is about 60 feet tall . Washington ’ s head is as tall as the entire Great Sphinx of Egypt . The noses of the four presidents are approximately 21 feet long , while the mouths are about 18 feet wide . Men on the scale of the Mount Rushmore figures would stand as tall as a 40-story building .
“ Until the wind and the rain alone shall wear them away ,” said Borglum to describe the length of time his most famous work will endure .
Along the Avenue of Flags , the flags of the 56 states and territories fly below the memorial . The avenue leads to the
Grandview Terrace and Presidential Trail , a half-mile walking trail that offers spectacular views of the mountain sculpture .
The presidents were selected on the basis of what each symbolized : George Washington , the struggle for independence ; Thomas Jefferson , the idea of government by the people ; Abraham Lincoln , ideas on equality and the permanent union of the states ; and Theodore Roosevelt , the 20th century role of the U . S . in world affairs .
Rangers provide interpretive walks and talks , including the Evening Sculpture Lighting Ceremony at approximately 9 p . m . nightly ( May-September ). There are guided walks to the Sculptor ’ s Studio , Presidential Trail walks , talks on the Grandview Terrace and afternoon children ’ s activities .
Located 23 miles southwest of Rapid City , Mount Rushmore is something you don ’ t want to miss . It ’ s one of the greatest attractions in the U . S .!
16 Black Hills Adventure Guide 2024