BHA Work Experience BHA Work Experience Toolkit | Page 3

WORK EXPERIENCE: THE MYTHS There are some common myths about work experience. See if you recognise any of these! Myth: Having kids on work experience makes my insurance premium go up. Myth-buster: learners on 2 week blocks of work experience are covered under employer’s liability insurance and public liability insurance like other employees provided your insurer is a member of the Association of British Insurers. It is advisable that insurers are informed when a learner will be on the premises and the dates. Check with your insurer in respect of placements of longer than two weeks. Myth: There is too much admin and red tape Most of the admin and ‘red tape’ is the same as you would normally have for any young person in your workforce. In the case of a 2 week work experience placement, before the learner starts you will normally be asked to sign a consent form. This form is usually brought to the employer by the student and is provided by the school and signed by the parent. The school will also appoint an organisation to come and have a look at the workplace to assess for suitability. They can help with any health and safety and other concerns you may have. Myth: We don’t have enough man time to look after someone who doesn’t know what they are doing. It is hard to find time when everyone is busy with their day jobs, but work experience is an investment in the future. It will be easier to accommodate students if you organise and prepare using this toolkit and the time spent in that investment will save time later on. The pre-prepared activities in the work book will give them something to do at times that the rest of the staff are busy with their own work. Myth: I’m concerned about health and safety and young people not understanding the environment that they are coming into. It is quite right that we need to be responsible about health and safety issues. Common sense and risk assessment should always be your guide and simplified health and safety guidance makes it clear that if organisations already employ young people, risk assessments won’t need to be repeated for work experience students. Where it is a 2 week 14-16 year old placement, a school organisation will check that the working environment is suitable. Myth: I’ll have to do DBS/CRB checks on all my staff. Employers do not need to carry out an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Services (formerly CRB) check on members of staff supervising young people aged 16-17. If an education provider requests such a check for this group, employers would be entitled to refuse. I don’t have any suitable accommodation for young people and I can’t be responsible for them when they are not at work – not a myth at all! Work experience is also important because, put simply, it works. careersinracing wants to enable studs and stables to offer work experience confidently to racing’s staff of tomorrow, so we have put together this tool kit to help you develop a horseracing-based work experience placement for students. It is made up of two parts: • employers information • students information. The toolkits include information about the placement, some suggestions as to activities that might be offered and a work book that you may wish to use with the students to save doing one yourself. Many stables and studs already provide excellent work experience programs and careersinracing hope that this toolkit will encourage others to get involved. HORSERACING WORK EXPERIENCE TOOLKIT FOR EMPLOYERS 3