BGSU Classroom Technology E-Magazine BGSU eMag EDTL6340 | Page 6


Monica Lewis

Monica has been teaching Family and Consumer Science classes for over 30 years . She teaches for Butler Tech at Colerain High School in one of their satellite programs . In those three decades , she has witnessed many changes in technology in the classroom and enjoys implementing the resources and programs that will serve her students best . Outside of the classroom , Monica enjoys baking , reading , and spending time with her husband , three sons , daughter-in-law , and granddaughter .
Smarts- Dominant People

Megan Moore

Megan is a high school social studies teacher at Pleasant High School . She is finishing up her fourth year of teaching . Megan looks forward to receiving her Master ' s in classroom technology to assist her district in moving forward into the 21st century and giving her students the best education possible . Megan enjoys spending time with her husband and two energetic little boys . As a family , they enjoy traveling and watching movies together .

Heather Newton

Heather is currently working as an 8thgrade mathematics teacher at Willard City Middle School . She is pursuing her Technology in Education Master ’ s degree at Bowling Green State University . She developed a passion for sharing and coaching technology integration techniques with her colleagues during this time . During her free time , she loves spending time with her husband Joe . They enjoy traveling and playing disc golf together .