BGSU Classroom Technology E-Mag Summer 2017 | Page 8

Math Video Lessons

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My topic for my final project and the research paper had to do with which method of instruction would affect understanding of math lessons in my second grade classroom. The study was created because the problem I was having in the classroom was students paying attention to the lessons I was teaching them in a whole group setting. During my math lessons, students had the choice to sit at their desks or come sit on the rug in front of the interactive board. I would have their math textbook on the board and we would go over the objectives for the lesson, vocabulary words and then I would teach them the new lesson while stopping to show examples on the board. I would call on students during this time for input and also deal with any discipline issues such as students not paying attention or talking to their neighbor.

During the master’s classes I began to wonder if I made videos of myself presenting the information, if they students would pay more attention to what I was teaching. My idea was I could have half of the students watch the videos during math station time instead of listening to me in a whole group setting. I made sure the students were grouped equally so that not all of my high students were in one group and my low in the other. Each group had a mix of high, medium and low students. Both groups would get instruction (whole group or on the computer watching the videos I created) and then go back to their seats and complete a practice page to see if they understood what they were just taught.